to Present

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Change is the only constant thing in this world as Heraclitus once said. A lot of culture is rooted in tradition or habits. Some beliefs and practices in the past are still carried out today. However, some of these practices and beliefs may have already changed and some are no longer practiced.  

Humans and technology have evolved so as meaning and culture. Culture has the capacity to change and transform into something that is totally different from its original meaning or purpose. Certain notions about art and beauty have been reinvented and some are already obsolete. Foot binding in China which was once seen as a form of stature and beauty for women but it is now banned from being practiced because it is considered to be a form of female gender mutilation. 
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There were also lot of things which were considered to be taboo or forbidden like tattoos and piercings. They were once considered to be forms of body modification and mutilation because having tattoos and piercings go against an individual's original aesthetic or design as a human being. But the perception about tattoos and piercings have already changed and they are now considered to be an art form  and a way to express freedom and self expression. 
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There were also a lot of beliefs and practices which were widely accepted before but they are now considered to be inappropriate. Eating dog meat was once a practiced accepted by a lot of people here in the Cordillera region and in some other countries such as China. However, this practice is now shunned by a lot of people because of the notion of animal rights. There are several organizations who claim to protect and uphold the lives and freedom of dogs.

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Physical displays of affection were supposed to be done in private and it's only for engaged or married couples. However, this kind of sentiment has already changed due to social media. Moments of intimacy posted online are now celebrated and are defined as #relationshipgoals.
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There are certain traditions and ideas in the past which are no longer carried out these days. There are a lot of beliefs and practices which were once avoided in the past are now considered to be norms. There are also traditions and ideas which were once practiced and acknowledged but are now despised and rejected by society. Culture can either remain, change or die. It will all depend on the decisions of individuals and communities if they will continue to practice a certain culture, modify a certain culture or let a certain culture die and become a thing of the past.


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